Plastic Surgery is the branch that deals with aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, that is, repair surgery. Cosmetic / Aesthetic Surgery, which reshapes typical body structures, improves the person’s appearance and self-perception. Reconstructive Surgery, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure performed on abnormal body structures that occur congenitally or afterward. Furthermore, the aim is to restore bodily functions as much as possible.

Plastic Surgery Department; Aesthetic surgery operations;

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Facial rejuvenation surgeries
  • Body contours correction operations
  • Breast reduction operations
  • Breast lift operations (recovery and silicone placement)
  • Breast restructuring operations
  • Tummy tuck
  • Facelift
  • Reducing the large nipple, creating shaping if there is no nipple
  • Brow lift
  • Removal of frowning
  • Eyelid sagging, stretching
  • Removing under-eye bags
  • Creating and enhancing cheekbone protrusion
  • Upper and lower jaw advancement and recession
  • Liposuction (absorbing fat with cannulas)
  • Prominent ear correction aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgery operations
  • The female type of breast correction in men
  • Hair transplant
  • Implant placement on the face (cheekbone, chin tip, chin side corners can be made prominent with the implant.
  • Hand fractures and injuries
  • Tendon (Beam) Injuries
  • Hand area breaks, fingertips injuries repair and stitching operations
  • Nerve injuries, nerve compression and beam transfers
  • Hand tumours
  • Congenital hand and upper body anomalies
  • Thumb restructuring
  • Hand infections, high-energy injuries of the hand Lower and upper body area and genital area repair and restructuring operations.
  • Lower body restructuring operations
  • Tissue deaths and nasty and rapid soft tissue infections
  • Restructuring operations of the penis and vagina
  • Acute burns
  • When opening fingers congenitally attached to between the fingers
  • In cleft lip correction operations
  • In case of accidents with tissue deficiency, the missing tissue area
  • Burned areas in burns

As we can understand from the name of the procedures performed, aesthetic surgery operations are operations that can be performed on every part of the body. Let us take a closer look at some of these now.


Rhinoplasty is, in a sense, reconstructive nasal surgery. It is one of the basic operations of the department of otolaryngology. The nose should primarily perform its function well. Breathing, humidifying the air and clearing foreign particles are the main tasks of the nose. The curvature of the axis other than the nose, excessive bone outside the nose, deformations at the tip of the nose can also affect the intranasal functions. The right time to correct the outside of the nose, both cosmetic and functional, is when correcting the inside. Inside and outside of the nose is a whole. Rhinoplasty surgeries are not painful operations; they require seven days of plaster and two days of nasal packing. Experts prefer rhinoplasty with the open technique more because they have more control over the nasal tip.

Before the operation, your anesthesiologist conducts your medical health screening and tests related to the surgery. As it can be done before the surgery, if you will not be operated early in the morning, if you do not have any health problems, the operation will take place on the same day.

Immediately before the operation, discomfort such as flu, cold and having herpes are obstacles for the operation. Any detail you do not care about may be necessary for anaesthesia control. For this reason, it is a vital detail to share every information with your doctor.

If you have had nose surgery before, you should tell your doctor. Although previous surgeries seem insignificant to you, they may affect the course of your surgery. You should share every detail with your doctor before the operation. There are open and closed techniques in nose operations. Which technique is used is the choice of your doctor as deemed suitable for you.

If you are using any medications, you should tell your doctor during the examination. During the anesthesiologist examination, you should inform the anesthesiologist about your complete medications. If you have medications such as blood pressure, a diabetes medication that is used continuously, you can take them very early with a sip of water.

You should not consume blood thinners and foods. You should stop using blood thinners such as Aspirin at least ten days before your surgery, in consultation with your doctor.

Herbal teas and intense garlic consumption may rarely increase bleeding. Therefore, do not choose before your surgery.

Women’s menstrual periods are not a medical obstacle to surgery. The menstrual cycle does not affect rhinoplasty surgeries positively or negatively. As long as the patient feels comfortable, the operation is easily performed.

You must quit smoking before the operation. Smoking delays the wound healing process. Since it is a sensitive period after the surgery, you should not smoke even one cigarette for at least three weeks.

You should not use painkillers and other drugs without consulting your doctor. We recommend you to go to bed early and relax by taking a warm shower the evening before the operation. You should stop eating and drinking after midnight. The items you will take with you should be a front zippered or buttoned outfit that you will wear after the surgery. Do not wear jewellery such as rings, necklaces, and do not bring valuable items with you. Do not delay the appointment time for the day of surgery given to you. Going out of schedule at your operating time negatively affects the entire program in the operating room.

Like other surgeries, nose surgeries also have a patient consent form. A consent form is an informative form in which your doctor explains the detailed verbal information about your surgery during the examination and your anesthesiologist during the examination control. This form is a form that people who will undergo surgery sign before each surgery. It is valid for every hospital, every doctor and every surgery. It is a routine application specific to the surgery, not to you.

From a medical point of view, it may be necessary to use tampons during surgery. The duration of the pad removal is based on the decision of your surgeon operating. Someone should not remove your tampon without your doctor’s knowledge. There will be a feeling of dryness in your throat, mild burning and sore throat due to the tampons. These complaints may last for 3-4 days due to the anaesthesia tube placed during general anaesthesia. Post-operative pain is generally not present. Pain relievers are given to people with pain. Your nasal congestion may continue for a few days after the surgery; this is a normal process. After the first day, patients get used to the situation. Experts can put a plastic splint on your nose after the operation. It comes out seven days after your nose surgery. You should never remove your plaster yourself, and it would be healthier to protect it from water.

You may have bruises and swelling in your custody after surgery. These bruises and swelling pass within 3-4 days. It is sufficient to apply a cold compress on the first night. Sleeping with your head up reduces oedema. Do not forget to take the prescription written by your doctor and use the medicines. Bloody discharge from the front of the nose is natural. Sneezing may increase after straining. The next day it is significantly reduced and cut. The abnormal situation is intense red blood coming from the nose and mouth. Besides, the subsequent temperature increase in the nose, redness, colour change from purple to black at the tip of the nose, and foul-smelling discharge are also necessary conditions that you should report to your doctor.

If you have complaints such as fever higher than 37.5 degrees after the operation, inflamed malodorous discharge from your nose or gradually increasing headache, consult your doctor. Long-term swelling due to oedema caused by the procedures performed around your nose disappears rapidly in the first month, gradually in 6 months, and entirely in the 12th month. These swellings are noticeable by your relatives, yourself, and your doctor who knows that you have surgery, they do not attract attention.

The patient can drink water at the earliest 3 hours after surgery. Food intake should be at the earliest 4 hours after surgery.

It is natural to have complaints such as nasal congestion, sneezing sensation, pink or slightly red blood leakage, a mild headache, watery eyes due to the tampon in your nose. These complaints will subside after the tampon is removed and will disappear within one week.

Stool may come in black colour on the day of surgery and the next day due to blood swallowed during surgery, or the patient may vomit in the form of coffee grounds on the day of surgery. Do not worry. If the event continues for a few days, inform your doctor. Rest until your tampons are removed. Avoid excessive exercise and strenuous daily activities, even if you feel well.

  • Do not eat or drink scorching foods such as tea, coffee and soups. Do not chew severe food.
  • Lie on a high pillow with your head above heart level.
  • If you need to take something off the ground, put your knee on the ground and take it without bending too much forward.
  • Do not blow it.
  • Do not lean forward.
  • Do not lift heavy.
  • Avoid scalding and steamy baths.
  • Stay short in the shower.
  • Avoid staying in the sun and sunbathing.
  • Do not use aspirin and other drugs that increase bleeding.
  • Do not remove your tampons yourself.

Breast Lift Aesthetics

Many women saggy breasts are a concern. Breasts generally lose their aesthetics, firmness and dynamic shape over time. Ageing, gravity, weight loss, a heavy diet program, pregnancy and breastfeeding all contribute to the development of sagging breasts.

Generally, patients who are satisfied with their breast size but have sagging breasts, it is okay to perform a breast lift operation for more aesthetic, sagging and tightened breasts. Some patients may be unhappy when there is a significant loss of breast volume over time. In such cases, by placing a breast prosthesis, the size of the breast increases as well as its shape and position.

Sagging breasts are good candidates for breast lift surgery. Sometimes the nipple also starts to grow over time, and an aesthetic and raised breast profile is provided with a nipple appearance proportional to the breast lift. The “pen test” is an excellent way to determine whether a breast lift is needed or not. Place a pen under the breast, and if the pen stays in that place, you will benefit from breast lift operation.

In the pre-operation interview, the experts firstly evaluate your complaints and post-operation expectations. The size and shape of your breasts, the condition of your skin, your age, whether you will have a child, and the new place of the nipple will talk to you. It provides information about the details of the operation, scar, nipple sensitivity, breastfeeding, type of anaesthesia and risks of the operation.

Experts request breast ultrasonography under the age of 40 and mammography examinations for patients over 40 years of age. You will need a companion to assist you on the day of the operation.

Aspirin and its derivatives should be stopped one week before the operation. (Do not stop taking the medication you use continuously without consulting your doctor.)

It would be better not to use the cigarette for a while before and after the operation.

On the day of the operation, do not use make-up, do not use hair gel, wear comfortable clothes and leave your jewellery at home.

You should not eat or drink anything 6 hours before the operation. You should be in the hospital for about an hour before the operation. In breast lift operation, the patient and the surgeon decide together on the most appropriate technique (Superior, Superolateral or Inferior Pedicle) to achieve the best result. Experts reshape the nipple and sagging breast tissue. It fulfils the nipple usually, and it removes the excess skin. Depending on the size of the sagging in the breast, there remains a vague scar in different shapes (such as a crescent, circular or 4-5 cm straight incision scar on the nipple that descends from the nipple).

Suppose you want your breasts to look fuller, breast lift and augmentation (silicone prosthesis) operation. In that case, if you want smaller breasts, you can remove sagging by applying breast lift and reduction surgery. The scars are evident at the beginning and become vague over time.

Evaluation of the operation according to breast sagging;

  • Stage I; It is corrected with a breast implant or with the technique of skin removal (crescent-shaped scar) with the incision made around the nipple without a breast implant.
  • Stage II; It is corrected with an operating technique in the style of lollipop candy, with the incision made around the nipple or with a 4-5 cm scar descending from the nipple
  • Stage III; An inverted T-shaped scar or a 4-5 cm watch that goes down from the nipple is corrected with an operating technique in the style of lollipop candy.

It is usually comfortable after the operation. If a breast prosthesis is used during the operation, there may be a limitation in arm movements for a few days. The dressing is opened two days later, and the wound is checked. The bandage is opened after seven days. The patient is put on a sports bra for six weeks. There may be swelling in the early period, numbness in the nipple and penile discolouration on the skin. These disappear spontaneously in a short time. Depending on your job, you can return to your normal job within 3-4 days. It is recommended to stay away from heavy sports for three months. The newly shaped breast will be durable for a long time. Aesthetic breast lift operation is generally an operation that gives good and permanent results, improves the mental health of the person and his partner, and makes them more dependent on life.

Hair Transplant

Hair loss affects two out of every three men. Hair loss in some men starts in their 20s. The main determining factor in this hair loss; genetic changes in men and hormonal changes such as menopause in women.

Also, hair loss may occur as a result of accidents, burns and traumas. Thanks to the rapid development in hair transplant techniques, interest in hair transplantation has increased rapidly in the world and our country in recent years.

Doctors take hair follicles from the area at the back of your head for hair transplantation. In order not to feel pain during this intake process, they apply local anaesthesia to that area and numb it. Thus, they perform the intake process without any pain. Then they perform the planting process in the determined areas.

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure and must be performed under the supervision of a specialist physician and sterile hospital conditions. Therefore, do not endanger your health with unhealthy environments and uncontrolled practices.

Some of the transplanted hair sheds in the first month, but this is a temporary shedding. Since the hair follicles remain in place, new hair growth starts from these roots. Although this process varies from person to person, it takes about three months.

The hair follicles planted during hair transplantation usually are the hair follicles taken from the area that is most resistant to hair loss. Therefore, it is unlikely that this transplanted hair will fall out again.

Hair transplantation is a surgical operation. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to some things before and after. One of them is vitamins. It will be beneficial to consume enough protein, vitamin and mineral-containing foods in your diet after hair transplantation. It is vital to strengthen your follicles planted on your scalp. At the same time, the transplanted hair grows faster, thanks to the vitamins taken with a good diet. It enters your body by consuming keratin and protein-containing foods that increase the quality of hair. In case of insufficient vitamins and minerals, it may cause the problem of hair loss or slow growth. For this reason, you should pay attention to your diet and consume products containing vitamins after hair transplantation.

The use of vitamins is critical in terms of hair growth and positive results after hair transplantation. You can use vitamin B6 capsules every day for fast hair growth after your hair transplant procedure. Vitamin B6 is particularly useful in strengthening hair and nails. Taking iron supplements in this process will also positively affect the nutrition of the hair follicles as it increases the oxygen intake to the body.

You can easily take the iron supplement from food. Especially products such as bran flakes, lentils and cookies such as cashew nuts will have positive effects in this process. When there are not adequate vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids in your the body, deficiencies occur in the cells. This situation negatively affects the continuity cycle in standard hair structure. It causes the hair follicles to weaken and as a result, can cause problems such as hair loss. Especially people who have hair transplantation should pay attention to these nutrients and take as much as their body needs.

B7 and B12 vitamins, called B-complex vitamins, are the most critical vitamins recommended by doctors. Experts recommend these vitamins which are very important in the quality and growth of hair. Some foods containing these vitamins are nuts, eggs, red meat, avocado, banana.

Zinc is a critical element for both the body and the hair. Due to zinc deficiency, the first thing observed in the body is hair loss. For this reason, it is vital to take zinc supplements after hair transplantation. Zinc is useful in producing collagen, promoting cell proliferation and tissue repair. Zinc also has a structure that ensures the absorption of many vitamins. Foods containing zinc can be listed as follows: shrimp, eggs, fish, cereal products, spinach, lamb meat, chickpeas.

Experts apply the Vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and thus has an important place in the healing of damaged skin, to externally after the wounds in the treated areas have healed, making the areas easier to heal. You can find Vitamin E in products such as sunflower seeds, olive oil, almonds.

Another vitamin that acts as an antioxidant is vitamin C. Vitamin C also plays a vital role in wound healing and collagen production. Vitamin C is a vitamin that fights the body against stress that causes hair loss and hair greying. For vitamin C, many foods such as citrus fruits, peppers, kiwi, broccoli can be consumed.

Hand Tumors

The majority of swelling, masses and lumps observed in the hands, wrists, and arms are benign. In the study conducted in the U.S.A., a hand surgeon encountered two cancer cases that were missed or not diagnosed during his career. From here; It turns out that the vast majority of the masses observed in hand are benign, but we must be prepared for the rarely observed malignant masses.

Most of the significant developments we have observed in the continuation of our professional lives have been in the field of orthopaedic oncology (musculoskeletal cancers). The development of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the applicability of microsurgery made limb conserving surgery the gold standard. In this way, the number of surgical procedures, such as amputation, has decreased considerably. Today, the immune survival rate of musculoskeletal cancer (sarcoma) cases for five years is around 80%. This rate was around 20% not long ago.

Experts take note of the time the patient or their relatives first detected the mass to detect the tumour.

Most of the information that cannot be obtained with advanced technology examinations is due to a detailed story. The age of the patient is significant for diagnosis in musculoskeletal tumours. Most tumour types occur in specific age ranges. The mass and duration of symptoms are also critical. Although it is wrong to generalize, the rapid growth of the mass is a sign of negativity. Weight loss, night sweats and findings showing that body resistance is reduced are among the negative symptoms. Attention should be paid pain tonight. It shows that the pain is not related to movement and use of the joint. In this case, some pre-diagnoses that come to mind regarding the erosion of joint cartilage are ruled out. Night (resting) pain does not indicate malignant tumours, in particular, some rheumatic and systemic diseases and infection may show similar symptoms.

During the physical examination, the experts record the location, size, movement of the mass, whether there is colour change on it, and whether it is painful. The location of the mass in hand tumours is important for diagnosis. For example, a mass observed on the back of the wrist and understood to be fluid (cystic) upon examination is most likely a ganglion cyst. The depth of the mass is also important for diagnosis. Although it is not correct to generalize, we can say that the relatively superficially observed masses are more likely to be benign. The pain of the mass does not direct you to a specific direction. The mass is benign and can cause pain by compressing the nerve tissues passing around it. Radiological diagnosis methods: It is not necessary to obtain all of the following examination methods in every patient. Possible diagnoses are revealed after all examination findings are completed.

Experts ask for the necessary examination methods in order to make the diagnosis, not to miss some possible negative diagnoses and to get more detailed information about the mass.

It is beneficial to take simple radiography (in two directions) of the area where the mass is located.

Cleft Lip Correction Operations

They form together with the left and right edges of the lip and the palate in the first weeks of development, long before the child is born. However, normal intercourse does not occur in approximately every 1000 babies. Because the lip and palate develop separately, cleft lip and palate can occur in various variations. If your child is born with such a deformity, your doctor will recommend surgical repair for treatment. Significant progress has been achieved in the treatment of children born with cleft lip and palate, and there are no obstacles for most of you to have an everyday, healthy and happy life.

Children born with cleft lip and palate need help from different specialities due to various accompanying problems. In addition to the cleft repair, that plastic surgery will do, their nutrition, teeth, hearing, speech, and psychological development change as the child grows. And this situation creates various problems. Therefore, families need to apply to centres where they can get team support. Generally, this type of team includes a plastic surgeon, paediatrician, ear-nose-throat specialist, speech and hearing specialist, and psychologist—the plastic surgeon coordinates which of these specialists and when to apply.

If the surgical intervention is performed by a plastic surgeon experienced in cleft lip and palate repair, it is possible to achieve a good result. However, as with any operation, some various risks and complications can be encountered. The most common problem after cleft lip repair is a failure to achieve symmetry on both sides of the lip. The primary purpose of lip repair is to close the cleft in a single operation, but a second procedure may be required from time to time. The primary purpose of cleft palate repair is to close the opening in the palate and to ensure that the child is fed and speaking correctly. From time to time, various healing problems and speech disorders require a second attempt.

You can learn about the details such as where the surgery will be performed, the type of anaesthesia, the problems that may be encountered, the recovery period, the cost of the procedure and the outcome, in the first meeting with your doctor. You can also get information about your child’s diet before and after surgery from your doctor. Your social union pays the costs. If you are covered by private insurance, pay attention to the coverage of your child and the limits given for the surgical procedure.

A cleft lip can vary widely, from a small notch in the upper lip to a complete cleft extending to the base of the nose. The cleft can be unilateral or on both sides of the lip. Surgery usually takes place when the child is 6 to 10 weeks old. In order to repair the cleft lip, muscle repair following the incision to be made on both sides of the cleft is among the options. The cleft will be closed by repairing the oral mucosa and skin. In this way, the muscle will gain function, and a normal lip shape is formed. Deformity in the nose will also benefit from this intervention.

Your child may have an uneasy period after surgery. Your doctor will give you various medications to get through this period. A while must use bandages that prevent bending of the elbows to keep your child’s hands away from the surgery area. The dressings used will be removed after a day or two, skin stitches will be removed after five days or will fall off automatically depending on the material used. Your doctor will give you recommendations for your child’s diet for the first few weeks. The surgery scar will become redder and broader in the first few weeks. This appearance will decrease over time, but the scar will never disappear completely. In many children, this scar will be hardly visible due to shadowing in the nose and lip area.

Opening Fingers Congenitally Attached to Between the Fingers

Syndactyly is the name of a genetic disease in which babies are born with fingers or toes attached to each other or together. Syndactyly is one of the most common congenital disabilities, and if this disease is present in one family member, it may be seen in other individuals. This situation is more common in boys than in girls. Syndactyly usually affects both hands simultaneously and occurs between the middle and ring fingers.

This condition has no notable cause; it can be treated or inherited. It can also occur with some other genetic disorder diseases such as syndactyly, Apert Syndrome or Poland Syndrome. If this condition is present in the family history, prenatal detection of syndactyly is performed by performing an ultrasound. Syndactyly is often treated surgically, but the only way to treat it is for the attending physician to formulate it after examining the radiological studies and doing other tests on the child. The surgery takes place after the child is one year old for optimal results.

According to studies, this quite common disease is that Caucasians are more likely to have syndactyly than others. Although the root cause of syndactyly is unknown, studies show that in the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy, when the fingers are separated, there is a kind of abnormality that causes the fingers to fuse.

Syndactyly; It is a very prominent defect at birth, but it is a disease that can also be detected by prenatal ultrasound. This is particularly useful for parents with a family history of this condition.

The best way to treat this disease is to release the tissue that connects the two fingers. This is easiest if the fingers are tied together, joined by a soft tissue wing that does not contain bone or cartilage.

The procedure is done when the child is one year old for best results. Surgical treatment for syndactyly is called Z-plasty, in which the skin is improvised in the shape of the letter Z. After a while, only one side of the finger is separated to prevent post-operative complications. In some cases, more than one procedure may be required for best results. Rarely, complications can occur with this surgery.

Some of the complications that can occur are:

  • Recurrence of syndactyly
  • Insufficient blood supply to the affected finger
  • Injury
  • Nail plate deformity

As mentioned, this disease is hereditary deformation. The doctor looks at the internal structures of the affected fingers to formulate a treatment plan and determine how best to treat the child. For this, he will conduct detailed radiological studies in the form of x-rays or MRI scans

It is treated surgically under general anaesthesia. Surgery is usually done on only one side of a finger, as any damage to the blood supply on either side can result in finger loss. So if the child has three or more fingers next to each other simultaneously, they will need more than one operation.

Before the operation, both the parent and the child will need to attend the appointment shortly before the operation is scheduled. The purpose of this is to check whether the child is well enough for the operation. Also this; It is an opportunity to talk to the surgeon again and ask any questions you may have. The healthcare team provides written information about the care the child will need after surgery. They may request more x-rays or clinical photos. At this appointment, they ask the parent to give consent for the operation by signing a consent form.

On the day of the operation, parents and children should go directly to patient admission. Nurses will check that the child is okay and ask the parent to fill out some forms if they have not been filled out before. When the operating room is ready, the parent and child will be prepared and taken there by a staff member. The parent can stay with the child until the general anaesthesia is given.

Parents should call the doctor,

  • If the child has a fever higher than 37.5 ° C
  • There is swelling or redness next to the bandage
  • If spots are coming out of the bandage
  • If the child has a tingling sensation under the bandage
  • If there is an unpleasant odour coming from the bandage
  • If the child is in a lot of pain and pain relief is not helping

As you can see, aesthetic surgery is in every aspect of your life. Aesthetic surgery procedures that allow you to remove all your flaws from top to bottom are one of the most beautiful areas that the medical industry has brought to you.